The government through the Jakarta Region III Construction Services Center, the Directorate General of Construction Development of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) appointed PT Wijaya Karya Beton Tbk. (WIKA Beton) represented by its subsidiary PT Wijaya Karya Komponen Beton (WIKA Kobe) to build Elevated Construction Training Facilities and Infrastructure in the Joint Office complex of the Ministry of PUPR Citeureup Area, West Java. This project is based on the needs of human resources in Indonesia who can support infrastructure development which is still the government's focus in 2021. Especially now that elevated construction is one of the developments that are often carried out, especially in big cities in Indonesia.
- PC U Girder,
- PC I Girder,
- Box Girder dengan metode Span by Span, serta
- Box Girder dengan metode Balance Kantilever, lengkap dengan alat Launching Gantry.